German version


Glad you’re here

In the Landeskirchliche Gemeinschaft Bielefeld
At Jöllenbecker Straße 193

Celebrating worship

Praise God

Community of old and young

Children are important to us

Encourage each other



Suppe mit Herz

Es geht wieder los!
Am 07.09.2024 öffnet unsere Küche wieder.

Gottesdienst am Sonntag

um 10:30 Uhr mit Ben-David Wiesjahn,
mit kirchlicher Beauftragung von Ben-David
Moderation: Jörn Sander

Worship service

Every Sunday at 10:30 am at Jöllenbecker Str. 193.

Each service is also broadcast in Zoom.
Info: Olaf Sauer 0521/493576

Our children’s service takes place at the same time


Regular events

Bible and discussion group (BuG)

Wednesday, 7:30 pm
(EC entrance behind the house)

Bible discussion

Thursday, 4 pm

Klön-Treff 60 Plus

Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 3:30 pm

Youth group

Every Friday, 7 pm
For young people from 16 years

Teen group

Every Friday, 5 pm
For teens 13 years and older

EC Kidsgang

Every 14 days Saturdays, 10-12 am
For kids from 1st class

Toddler group

Every Thursday, 10-12 am
For children from 0 years

Small groups

Prayer group


Every Monday, 3 – 4:30 pm
For children from 2,5 years

Contakt us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Either by phone or directly by email. Or you can just drop by, e.g. on Sunday during the service. You are very welcome.

Olaf Sauer

Tel: 0521 / 493576

Ben-David Wiesjahn

Youth Pastor
Tel: 0521/58811318
Mobile: 0151/53528806

Vereinsregister Amtsgericht Bielefeld 20 VR 1237

Bankverbindung: Konto Nr. 210 171 6018, KD-Bank eG, BLZ 35060190

IBAN DE41 3506 01902101 7160 18


Who we are


The Landeskirchliche Gemeinschaft Bielefeld e.V. belongs to the “Evangelische Gnadauer Gemeinschaftsverband“, the umbrella organisation of the Gemeinschaftsbewegung in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. The roots of the Gemeinschaftsbewegung lie primarily in the Reformation and in Pietism.

The EC-Jugendarbeit Entschieden für Christus belongs to the „Deutschen Jugendverband Entschieden für Christus (EC) e.V.“, which in turn is part of the worldwide “Christian Endeavour Union (CE)”. Today, the EC, founded in 1881 in the USA, has 2 million members in 50 countries.

Both are independent missionary organisations within the Protestant Church. They are financed by voluntary contributions and donations from their members and friends.